Verton Delights on Construction Site

What are two things you can never have too much of on a construction site? How about time and safety? Few things give us greater pleasure than our clients themselves telling us that our products are giving them these exact things, in addition to other benefits they weren’t even expecting.

Right from the get-go, the Verton Everest 6 was a hit for an international building company who has recently started using our products. Load directors all agreed that even on their first use of the unit, it made the lifts safer, eliminating out-of-control loads. It was immediately evident that the high accuracy of the unit would ensure that it would quickly pay for itself.

The beam was used during plasterboard and steel brace delivery, and performed superbly. As with all Verton products, the Everest 6 eliminated the need for taglines, creating safe, hands-free lifts. On lifts to cantidecks, there was no need for anyone to reach out over the edge for taglines or to stand under the load on the landing site. The unit and crane were able to be operated by a single person, freeing up the person to orientate the load and saving around 45 minutes+ in hook and crane time. The Everest 6 was used in multiple general lifts and deliveries throughout the day, adding extra crane time at the end of the day, once again helping to pay for itself.

The client was very happy with the Everest 6’s precision. Operators appreciated the unit’s accurate rotational force to land loads in the required orientation at all times, and especially when moving loads near buildings. They said that being able to control loads with no concern of collisions was of significant benefit. Over the course of a day, the client also reported that delivery trucks were clearing faster, removing delivery clog and keeping the construction site moving.

In fact, this client was so impressed with the unit, that after just two weeks of use, they stated that it would be invaluable to declare the use of the unit in future job biddings, as the efficiency and safety improvements would essentially win them the bid. This is the kind of confidence we see in client after client when they see the tremendous difference the Verton products provide.

Verton is reinventing lifting operations.

Same job but SAFER.  Same job but FASTER.  Same job but SMARTER.


Mammoet and Verton sign on to springboard safer load orientation


Verton Puts Safety First in a World First